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Teenagers are ever a mystery, so actress Ruby Jay is here to help you pick the perfect holiday gift for the teen in your life. The The Unicorn star shares about her holiday traditions, plus her top gift picks below.

What is your best advice for gift giving this holiday season?
RJ: “Every holiday season when I get gifts for my loved ones, I always try and think about things they have mentioned that they need in their everyday life, or things they want to make their lives easier. For example, this year my mom mentioned that she needed a new concealer, so for her holiday gift I did some research and found a concealer that I think she would like. This way, when they receive their gift it’s meaningful and something they will appreciate and use.”
What is your favorite part about celebrating the holidays?
RJ: “My favorite part about the holidays is the decorating and gift giving! I absolutely love spending hours searching for the perfect gifts and then wrapping them beautifully and setting them under the tree to be opened on Christmas morning. Christmas is my favorite holiday and waking up Christmas morning with our house beautifully decorated (we go all out on decorations), Christmas carols playing in the background, chowing down on some Pillsbury Orange Rolls, and then getting to see my family’s faces when they open their gifts is hands down the best part of the holidays.