Consider trying a new spin on a beloved workout. 

While Peloton is pretty much synonymous with at-home indoor cycling workout everyone that you know everyone on social media is doing, the brand isn’t afraid to venture outside their wheelhouse. Though their bikes with live and on-demand rides are, indeed, what gets Kate Hudson, Sofia Vergara and more than a million other subscribers to work up a sweat (along with their signature tread sessions), the app option allows users to expand their workout horizons.   

Among the thousands of classes on offer: strength training, yoga, running, stretching and bootcamp options. 

New York City-based instructor Jess King prescribes sampling a bit of everything on the menu, if you’re interested in variety. “From dancing, HIIT workouts, stretching, strength training, running, biking—switch it up if you’re someone that likes variety,” she suggests, “or pick one thing and get stronger at it.”