As Terry Bradshaw put it on the series premiere of The Bradshaw Bunch, “I got three girls, which means I have three problems.”

When it comes to Lacey Luttrull, Terry’s issue has to do with the fact that she and her husband Noah Hester, along with their two kids, live all the way in Hawaii. However, both Lacey and Terry’s sidekick, 7-year-old Zurie, are already on board to move to Texas. It’s just Noah who needs convincing!

So on last night’s all-new Bradshaw Bunch, the whole fam set o ut to tour houses (with the help of newly minted real estate agent Rachel Bradshaw!) in hopes that Noah will change his mind. 

But by the looks of the above clip, getting Noah to move may be more difficult than Terry and Lacey thought. 

“Rachel, this is not in the budget,” Noah told his sister-in-law while everyone checked out the sprawling house, complete with a giant pool.

“Yeah it is!” Lacey cut in. “I said show us the top of our budget and the bottom of our budget. This is the top!”