This isn’t your ordinary weekend.

On Sunday, Oct. 11 the world celebrated International Day of the Girl. The United Nations’ annual holiday focuses on the challenges girls face every day and urges people to uplift and empower them.

Each year, the organization chooses a theme and the 2020 one couldn’t be more spot-on. “Progress for adolescent girls has not kept pace with the realities they face today, and COVID-19 has reinforced many of these gaps,” a statement reads on the United Nations’ website. “This year, under the theme, ‘My Voice, Our Equal Future,’ let’s seize the opportunity to be inspired by what adolescent girls see as the change they want, the solutions- big and small- they are leading and demanding across the globe.”

Helping to spread this powerful message? Michelle Obama, Jessica Biel, Charlize Theron, David Beckham and many more stars used their platform to inspire and encourage those to fight for equality.