However, in an interview with Vulture, the singer explained that she intended to use $5 million to rebrand and to donate the remaining $5 million, including to “organizations that provide support to other independent Black artists,” the article described. The piece also pointed out that, in using the name Lady A, the group has pushed White down in search results.

As White explained to Vulture, “I was quiet for two weeks because I was trying to believe that it was going to be okay and that they would realize that it would be easier to just change their name, or pay me for my name. Five million dollars is nothing, and I’m actually worth more than that, regardless of what they think.”

She continued, “But here we go again with another white person trying to take something from a Black person, even though they say they’re trying to help. If you want to be an advocate or an ally, you help those who you’re oppressing. And that might require you to give up something because I am not going to be erased.”