“I’ll be honest with you, I felt very, very scared going into the season because not only was my life very intense with all the things…the house, my father, [I] broke a rib, breaking up with John…” Dorinda says before Bethenny cuts her off to provide context for those who might not have watched season 12 of the Bravo show: “She broke up with her boyfriend, her father got sick and her house flooded.”

“Yeah, and then I broke my rib,” Dorinda adds. “So it was like, wow…I was sort of a toothpick in an ocean. I didn’t get my voice out correctly.”

Bethenny agrees, explaining that on the show, “You get in over your skeeze.”

“You drink, something happens, you say something, and then you’re in your head about what you just said, but the show must go on,” Bethenny says.