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You can have the best makeup products in the world, but they won’t come through for you unless you are using quality beauty tools. Good makeup brushes and blenders are so vital to achieving the look and coverage that you desire. Additionally, it’s important to replace those items on a regular basis to ensure that you are always using clean tools at their peak performance.

If you want high-quality tools at great prices, this week’s Deals for Real has you covered. Justin Sylvester and Brandi Milloy are sharing major savings on all products at Laruce Beauty, where you can get individual brushes and sets. There’s a 20% discount on the one and only Beautyblender. There’s also a great deal on a heated eyelash curler that’s safe for your lashes, easy to use, and creates an ever-lasting curl. And, if you want to channel your inner Christie Brinkley, there’s a sculpting wand from SBLA Beauty that she loved so much that she decided to partner with the company.

If you’re ready to refresh your beauty tools and get some major savings, keep on scrolling to learn more about these products and to get our exclusive discount codes.