Has it been six years already?! 

True Blood said its final goodbyes in 2014, and somehow did not enter into the pantheon of great TV shows with unforgettable series finales. While that ridiculous show probably single-handedly kept this country’s fake blood suppliers (if that’s a thing) in business, what True Blood was really known for was insane, jaw-dropping, blood-drawing sex. 

Rarely does an episode go by without some sort of brazen sexual encounter, usually accompanied by perfectly unexpected music and some other unusual element, like dirt, magic fairy powers, or the occasional brutal murder. 

While the show has featured many, many sex scenes—almost all of which are pretty entertaining—there are a few that rise above the rest as the craziest, most quintessentially True Blood scenes of all. Remember that time Bill and Sookie had dirt sex? Or how about the time Eric did it with his vampire sister? Remember all the orgies?!