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Ontario leader blames Pfizer for COVID-9 vaccine delays


The leader of Canada’s most populous province says he isn’t buying the excuse from Pfizer about why Pfizer deferred all its COVID-19 vaccine deliveries to Canada next week

TORONTO — The leader of Canada’s most populous province said Thursday he isn’t buying the explanation given by Pfizer about why the company has deferred next week’s COVID-19 vaccine deliveries to Canada.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford said it’s unacceptable that other countries are getting doses and Canada is not.

“This falls solely on Pfizer for letting us down,” said Ford, who spoke to the chief executive of Pfizer’s Canadian division on Tuesday.

Pfizer announced a temporary reduction in deliveries last Friday so it could upscale its Puurs, Belgium, plant, which supplies all shots delivered outside the United States. Pfizer said any small step backward now in deliveries would result in a huge jump ahead later in the year.

Ford has been criticized for a slow rollout of the vaccine in Ontario amid a second wave of infections. He noted that they had to close a mass vaccination clinic in Toronto.

A Pfizer spokeswoman didn’t immediately respond to a request to comment about Ford.

Governments in Europe also say the Pfizer delay is costing critical time during the early stages of the rollout to care homes and hospital personnel.

The delay, which the U.S. pharma giant said would last for a few weeks, affects not only the number of people who can get inoculated during that period but also throws off the careful choreography that governments mapped out to get elderly residents and caregivers the required two doses within a strict timetable of several weeks.

“Every day we lose is a day we have lost in the war and it’s a death,” Ford said.

“We appreciate any support from the new president, President Biden, we need your support. You have millions of doses six hours away. Your No. 1 ally in the world needs your help right now and we need you to step up,” Ford said.

The U.S. federal government has an agreement with Pfizer in which the first 100 million doses of the vaccine produced in the U.S. will be owned by the U.S. government and will be distributed in the U.S.

Canadian Federal Procurement Minister Anita Anand has said that all of the doses that are emerging from the Michigan plant are for distribution in the United States.

A senior Canadian official said if after those 100 million doses are delivered in the U.S., the Canadian government will push hard on ensuring doses are delivered as quickly as possible from wherever they are made. The official spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak publicly about it. Canada’s current contract specifies that Canada’s doses will come from the facility in Puurs.

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