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EU rejects criticism for slow vaccine rollout across bloc


The European Commission has defended its coronavirus vaccination strategy amid growing criticism from member nations about the slow rollout of COVID-19 shots across the region with 450 million inhabitants

“We have actually signed contracts that would allow member states to get access to 2 billion doses, largely enough to vaccinate the whole of the EU population,” he said. The bloc has nearly 450 million people.

Mamer also clarified the role of the commission in securing contracts with potential drug makers. He said the commission did not directly buy doses of vaccines but “acted as an investor” to provide funding to pharmaceutical companies developing vaccines. The goal was to speed up production capacities and research, with all EU nations free to decide how many doses they would buy from the vaccine producers of their choice.

“Ultimately, these vaccines have to be produced, delivered, and some of the logistic chains involved are very sophisticated,” Mamer said, insisting that vaccination programs have just started, and that the big deliveries of doses are foreseen around April.

Asked why the Commission did not buy more doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, Stefan de Keersmaecker, the Commission’s health policy spokesman, said the “main philosophy was to diversify our portfolio, not to put all our eggs in one basket.”

De Keersmaecker said the contract with Moderna provides for an initial purchase of 80 million doses on behalf of all EU nations but that the commission intends to use its option to request a further 80 million doses once the vaccine is approved. With the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the commission has an option for an extra 100 million doses that will bring the total to 300 million shots. Both vaccines require two shots to be fully effective.


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