Menu Fauci: US taking hard look at variant of coronavirus – Health Magazine

Fauci: US taking hard look at variant of coronavirus


U.S. health officials believe the coronavirus mutation that set off alarms in parts of Britain is no more apt to cause serous illness or be resistant to vaccines than the strain afflicting people in the United States

Dr. Anthony Fauci endorsed the decision of U.S. officials to require negative COVID-19 tests before letting people from Britain enter the U.S. He declined to weigh in on whether that step should have been taken sooner. He said the variant strain is something “to follow very carefully” and “we’re looking at it very intensively now.”

Fauci said the U.S. is at a critical phase of the pandemic, with the worst probably still ahead. He predicted the general population would be getting immunized widely by late March or early April — beyond the front-line workers, older people and certain other segments of the public given priority for the vaccines.

Fauci spoke on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

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