Menu LA’s Garcetti gets vaccine though he’s not in priority group – Health Magazine

LA’s Garcetti gets vaccine though he’s not in priority group


Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti received his first dose of COVID-19 vaccine last week, after spending several days assisting health care workers at a large coronavirus vaccination center at Dodger Stadium

LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti made clear in December that he would wait his turn to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, echoing county policy that nursing home residents, people 65 and older and medical workers will be first in line.

“I’m not jumping any queue,” he said.

His office said Wednesday he received the first dose of the vaccine Jan. 21, his fifth day working at the site where he was “interacting with hundreds of Angelenos each day.”

“The medical personnel strongly recommended that he receive the vaccine, as they have recommended and provided for other field staff and volunteers at the site who have close contact with clients,” the statement said.

It wasn’t immediately clear why his office didn’t disclose the vaccination when it took place, or why Garcetti waited several days to receive it after starting to help workers at the stadium. His office did not respond to questions beyond the statement.

Last month, when the mayor was asked when he would receive the vaccine, he said, “I’ll wait for my place when it would naturally come, and not go ahead of that. … When they tell me I would normally get it, that’s when I’m going to get it.”

Garcetti received his first dose at a time of widespread confusion in the county, home to 10 million people, over the availability and distribution of the vaccine. There are over 1 million confirmed coronavirus cases in the county, according to state figures.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who is 46, has not received the vaccine but will when she’s eligible, spokesman Andy Lynch said.


Associated Press writer Janie Har in San Francisco contributed.

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