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Ethiopia claims WHO chief is backing Tigray without evidence


Ethiopia’s army chief has accused the head of the World Health Organization, a fellow Ethiopian, of lobbying neighboring countries to provide arms and other support to the defiant Tigray region

Gen. Birhanu Jula told reporters on Wednesday that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus had urged unnamed neighbors to “oppose the war and for (the Tigray People’s Liberation Front) to get arms.”

There was no immediate response from WHO headquarters or from Tedros.

The conflict threatens to tear apart Africa’s second most populous country and destabilize the strategic Horn of Africa region.

The army chief accused Tedros, a former Ethiopian foreign and health minister when the TPLF dominated Ethiopia’s ruling coalition, of being a member of the party and asked, “What do you expect of a person like him?”

WHO Africa chief Matshidiso Moeti defended Tedros during a COVID-19 briefing Thursday but didn’t address the allegation directly.

“What I can say in response is that I know Tedros, I know him as somebody who is passionately promoting global health, promoting the good health of people and promoting peace,” Moeti told reporters. “I think this is extent of my knowledge of Tedros as a person.”

For more, she referred reporters to his office.

Ethiopian officials, and Tigrayan ones, have issued a torrent of allegations in the conflict, often without providing evidence, in an effort to win the narrative war as well and garner support for their side. Governments and human rights groups alike have urged the swift restoration of communications links to Tigray, and no limits on media, to allow for more transparency.

As Ethiopia’s health minister, Tedros was widely credited with implementing training for tens of thousands of health workers, strengthening the country’s laboratory network and reducing deaths from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

But during his campaign to become WHO’s director-general, he was accused by a prominent U.S. public health academic of covering up three cholera outbreaks in Ethiopia while he was health minister. At the time, Tedros dismissed the allegations as “a last-minute smear campaign.”

International health law obliges countries to report cholera outbreaks to the WHO, but some countries avoid doing so, fearing it will trigger harmful trade and travel bans.

Human rights groups have also raised concerns about the fact that Tedros served in a government widely criticized for its oppressive tactics, including violent crackdowns on protesters and imprisoning rivals.

Tedros has acknowledged that the government has made some serious mistakes but that Ethiopia is a “nascent democracy.”

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