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Wisconsin judge upholds mask order for enclosed spaces


A Wisconsin judge has upheld Gov. Tony Evers’ mask mandate in the face of a conservative challenge

The judge noted in his ruling that lawmakers could vote to overturn Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ order, but haven’t so far. Evers sent Republican legislative leaders a letter hours after the ruling asking them to drop the lawsuit and “work together on our state’s greatest challenges.”

Noting a spike in cases, and the opening of a field hospital to provide additional capacity for coronavirus patients, Evers urged Republicans to “start taking this seriously.”

Republican legislative leaders did not immediately return messages seeking comment. The Legislature filed a brief in support of the lawsuit. Also Monday, a Republican-led legislative committee took the first steps to overturn another order Evers issued last week setting capacity limits for business.

St. Croix County Circuit Judge R. Michael Waterman said in his ruling that nothing prevents a governor from issuing multiple emergency declarations “when the emergency conditions continue to exist.”

“And, if the Legislature is unconvinced that a state of emergency does exist, the Legislature has the ultimate power to terminate it,” the judge said.

Evers called the ruling a victory in the fight against COVID-19.

“We will continue doing everything we can to prevent the spread of this virus,” he said. “We ask Wisconsinites to please stay home as much as possible, limit travel and going to public gatherings, and wear a mask whenever out and about.”

The judge also noted that overturning the mask mandate would “affect every person in Wisconsin by a judicial act that usurps the governor’s power to declare a state of emergency and the Legislature’s power to end one.”

Wisconsin is among the nation’s worst COVID-19 hot spots, with more than 152,000 positive cases as of Monday. The seven-day average of new confirmed cases reached a record high of 2,547, up from 2,395 a week ago, the state Department of Health Services said. Medical experts have attributed Wisconsin’s spike to colleges and K-12 schools reopening and general fatigue with virus restrictions.

The number of people hospitalized due to COVID-19 in Wisconsin also hit a record high on Monday at 950, according to the Wisconsin Hospital Association. The previous high was 907 set just four days earlier. Monday’s total was up by 61 from the day before and 168 over the past seven days.

Republican legislators in May succeeded in getting the conservative-controlled Wisconsin Supreme Court to strike down Evers’ virus-related stay-at-home order. The high court ruled that the Evers administration had overstepped its authority when it extended the order without consulting lawmakers.

Republican legislators in other states have skirmished repeatedly with Democratic governors over their powers during the pandemic. In neighboring Michigan, the conservative-majority state Supreme Court ruled that the law underpinning Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s response to the pandemic was unconstitutional.

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