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That travel ban Trump touts? Bill Gates says it made the pandemic worse


Bill Gates

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‘We created this rush, and we didn’t have the ability to test or quarantine those people.’

That’s billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft

co-founder Bill Gates explaining in a “Fox News Sunday” interview how President Trump’s travel ban may have actually worsened the coronavirus outbreak.

“So [the ban] seeded the disease here,” Gates told Fox host Chris Wallace. “You know, the ban probably accelerated that, the way it was executed.”

Trump issued the travel ban on China on January 31 after the coronavirius first broke out in Wuhan. He followed up with more bans in February and March that covered Europe and other hot spots. The president often points to the bans as evidence of his prompt response.

But that’s not how Gates sees it.

“March saw this incredible explosion – the West Coast coming from China and then the East Coast coming out of Europe – and so, even though we’d seen China and we’d seen Europe, that testing capacity and clear message of how to behave wasn’t there,” Gates explained.

Here are his comments:

The U.S. currently leads the world in infections and deaths, with almost 6.8 million cases and more than 199,000 deaths, according to the latest tally from Johns Hopkins.

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