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Betsy DeVos pleas with Education Department employees to ‘resist’ the Biden administration


So much for a peaceful transition…

During a virtual Education Department meeting on Tuesday, President Trump’s Education Secretary Betsy DeVos told career employees to “be the resistance” when the Biden administration takes over next month.

Politico got ahold of a recording of her remarks. Acknowledging that many Education Department employees will remain through the transition, DeVos said:

“Let me leave you with this plea: Resist. Be the resistance against forces that will derail you from doing what’s right for students. In everything you do, please put students first — always.”

— Betsy DeVos

DeVos’ own future is unclear, although she will remain the DOE secretary until President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021. She was a controversial pick in the first place; Vice President Mike Pence had to break a tie in the Senate to confirm her nearly four years ago, and the DOE has faced an estimated 455 lawsuits during her tenure — the most ever in the department’s 41-year history.

Biden has sworn to reverse many of DeVos’ education policies, which had shifted or undone much of the policies put in place under the Obama administration — including her overhaul of the Title IX rules on sexual assault, which was criticized for favoring those accused of assault with more rights, making it even harder for survivors to get justice.

Read more:From student-loan forgiveness to clamping down on for-profit colleges, Biden will aim to reverse Betsy DeVos’s education policies

In fact, DeVos cited her Title IX overhaul as one of her greatest achievements during her reign.

Her leaked remarks drew outrage on Twitter, including by many educators, as American Federation of Teachers union president Randi Weingarten and the Student Debt Crisis nonprofit organization condemned her divisive language, or called her track record running the department into question.

Other critics pointed out that incoming First Lady Jill Biden is a lifelong teacher with a Ph.D. in education, suggesting that the Biden administration should be well-equipped to make Education Department decisions.

Of course, DeVos’ comments tend to get tongues wagging, such as when she recently described free college as “a socialist takeover of higher education,” and called canceling student debt “wrong.”

Related:Cancel student debt? This chart breaks down who owes what

DeVos also said during Tuesday’s meeting that her aim “in everything we accomplished was to do what’s right for students,” and, “four years later it’s still my focus and it’s still my hope for all of you.” 

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