Turkish official says CoronaVac vaccine 91.25% effective

An infectious disease expert serving on Turkey’s medical board says an experimental COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac is 91.25% effective based on early results of late-stage trials in the country

Dr. Serhat Unal, an infectious disease expert serving on Turkey’s medical board, said the finding is based on early results of late-stage trials in the country and added that the vaccine is safe.

CoronaVac is a so-called inactivated vaccine developed by Sinovac Biotech. Unal announced the initial results following randomized trials involving 7,371 volunteers.

Turkey’s Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said in the press conference the results were the first to be announced for CoronaVac. Media reports said Sinovac delayed announcing results from late-stage trials until January to consolidate data from other countries where trials took place. The efficacy rate announced by Turkey could not be immediately verified independently.

Turkey has among the worst infection rates in the world, with a weekly average of about 22,000 confirmed daily infections. The total death toll is 19,115, according to official statistics.

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