Students locked into ‘unforgiving’ rents amid college confusion, and does COVID-19 have the power to revolutionize work? This economist says yes

TGIF, MarketWatchers. Don’t miss these top stories:

Personal Finance
What side effects, if any, can you expect from a COVID-19 vaccine shot?

Doctors have advised the CDC to be transparent and forthcoming about any side effects.

Does COVID-19 have the power to revolutionize work? This economist says yes

A new Vanguard study quantifies the future of remote work, and looks at the number of potential hybrid jobs.

My friend’s father buried $50K in the backyard for his grandchildren. My friend has 2 kids, but his spendthrift brother has none. Should they split it?

‘My friend wants to dig up the money when the grandchildren turn 18 in a few years. His brother is strongly objecting.’

‘This COVID situation has really widened my eyes about capitalism’: Students locked into ‘unforgiving’ rents amid college confusion

Some students struggle to break leases and experts anticipate a more tenant-friendly market in the future.

In one of the worst pandemics to hit the U.S., tens of millions of people are still without health insurance

‘Health insurance is your ticket to health care in the United States.’

I’m 12 and in 7th grade. My parents are divorced and I earn $10 a month from my podcast. What do you advise?

‘We are using MarketWatch to learn how to trade stocks and stuff at school, but we start off with $500,000, and I would be starting off with maybe $10 or $20 dollars in my account.’

Dr. Fauci: ‘For the first time in more than 30 years, I’m not spending the Christmas holidays with my daughters’

Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned of a ‘dark time’ in mid-January after Christmas and Hanukkah.

My stepfather lies about his drinking. I helped him buy a home after his divorce — now he wants me to pay for it. When is enough enough?

‘He charged me rent to live with him when I was a full-time student and added other charges. Because of that, I had a hard time paying bills.

As some hospitals near 90% capacity due to COVID-19, this map can tell you if your local hospital is almost full

A new tool can help people assess the hospital-bed situation in their area.

‘Even a small dollar cushion can improve a household’s financial situation’ — this is how much can help

The savings rate of disposable income was 13.6% nationally in October, continuing a monthslong slip from record rate in April.

Elsewhere on MarketWatch
COVID-19 aid talks get more time as Congress averts government shutdown

Negotiations on a COVID-19 relief bill remained stuck in Congress on Friday, as disputes over liability and aid to states trip up earlier optimism.

COVID-19 vaccine from Sanofi and GSK is delayed, triggering uncertainty ahead of Europe’s mass inoculation campaigns

Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline, the French and British pharmaceutical groups, said on Friday that they would delay the launch of their joint COVID-19 vaccine until the end of 2021.

How the strong euro is hindering the ECB’s attempts to boost eurozone inflation

The strengthening of the euro against the dollar complicates the European Central Bank’s long-elusive goal of boosting inflation.

Boris Johnson and the EU agree on something at last: ‘No-deal’ Brexit is likely

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, have finally come to an agreement: A “no-deal” Brexit is more than likely at the end of the year.

Government shutdown averted as Senate OKs stopgap budget, defense package

In a quick voice vote, the Senate on Friday afternoon passed a one-week spending bill that would prevent a partial federal government shutdown from starting at midnight, sending the measure to President Trump so he can sign it into law.

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