Advice for Salesforce staff who reported experiencing a mental-health issue — and all workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic poses an obvious threat to physical safety, but advocates stress that Americans shouldn’t sleep on their mental health.

As Inc.

saw its stock surge this week after a record-setting quarter and reportedly notified some of its staff about layoffs, CEO Marc Benioff revealed on a conference call that about one-third of the cloud-based software company’s 54,000 now-remote employees had reported experiencing mental-health issues.

They’re not alone. More than half of U.S. adults (53%) report that coronavirus-related stress and worry have negatively affected their mental health, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll conducted in July — a 14-percentage point increase from two months earlier. Women, Black adults, younger adults, and people who have had trouble affording household expenses due to the pandemic’s financial impact are more likely to report a negative impact on their mental health.

See Also:Google searches for ‘panic attack,’ ‘anxiety attack’ hit all-time high during coronavirus pandemic

Meanwhile, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report published this month found that U.S. adults had reported “considerably elevated adverse mental health conditions associated with COVID-19” during a survey administered June 24 to June 30. “Younger adults, racial/ethnic minorities, essential workers, and unpaid adult caregivers reported having experienced disproportionately worse mental health outcomes, increased substance use, and elevated suicidal ideation,” the report said.

Social distancing is ‘actually physical distancing.’ ‘Socially, we can remain even closer.’

— Christine Moutier, the chief medical officer of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

While the shared experience of navigating a pandemic can help individuals connect with one another, “it also is going to be different for different people, so that can create its own challenges,” Christine Moutier, the chief medical officer of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, told MarketWatch in March.

A variety of stressors, including job loss, poor health, self-isolation and quarantine, and general anxiety and uncertainty, could negatively impact mental health. Some people may also be struggling with existing conditions such as substance-use disorders or depression.

But “people are resilient,” said Vaile Wright, a clinical psychologist and researcher at the American Psychological Association. “We can adapt,” she said. “We can get through this.”

Here are some strategies for coping, according to experts who spoke with MarketWatch this past spring:

Tap into crisis hotlines

“One hundred percent, if you’re in crisis, call a hotline,” Wright said. To access coronavirus-related crisis counseling from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline, call 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746. You can also reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, the Crisis Text Line by texting “HOME” to 741741, and the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

Be kind to yourself

Normalize any intense uncomfortable emotions you’re having right now, said Joan Cook, a clinical psychologist and Yale School of Medicine associate professor who studies traumatic stress. Don’t judge yourself if you feel mild anxiety or depression, loneliness, boredom, frustration or anger. This is an unprecedented time for all of us, she said, and “there are a lot of unknowns.”

“While it’s important to ground ourselves by remembering to ‘count our blessings’ and be grateful for our lives and any privileges we have, it is equally important for us to acknowledge that social distancing, quarantine or isolation is hard,” Cook said. “And know that you are not alone in finding the consequences of social distancing, like losing our jobs or being physically distanced from family and friends, also very difficult.”

Give yourself credit if you are following the social-distancing directives of federal, state and local health officials, Cook added. “It’s important that we give ourselves the recognition when we do a good job,” she said. “You’re reducing the possibility of transmitting the virus, and protecting those who are most vulnerable.”

Address your physical health

You may be out of a job or working from home, but you still need to mind your basic human needs. Establish a routine, Wright said: Get enough sleep, get dressed in the morning, take a shower and eat a healthy diet. Exercise, she added, even if it’s just by going outside for fresh air. Build structure into an otherwise loose day by scheduling all of these needs, Moutier said.

“Mental health is not only critically important to pay attention to during COVID-19 for its own sake,” Moutier added, “but because the brain is connected to the body, how well we’re managing our mental health will directly affect our physical health — for example, things even like the strength of our immune system.”

Connect with friends, family and/or online communities

Stay in connected with friends and family through phone calls, text messages, FaceTime

video calls and social media. “We all need to put in extra effort right now,” Wright said. If you are struggling with tough emotions, reach out to the most trustworthy person in your life to share how you’re feeling, Moutier said; that simple act could be a game changer.

Laughter and play are “critically necessary” during this time, Moutier added. Moments of humor might be harder to come by right now, but try to prioritize them.

If you lack an existing social-support system, “now is the time to go out and find connection with others, even if you don’t know who they are,” Wright said. Seek out online support groups or social-media communities related to your interests. After all, social distancing is actually physical distancing, Moutier said. “Socially, we can remain even closer.”

Consume news wisely

Stay informed about the pandemic, especially at your local level, but try to get off your devices too, Wright said. “Find the bit of the news that either empowers you or doesn’t drive up your anxiety,” she said. Wright, for example, has found that TV pundits and Twitter

tend to make her more anxious. “Absolutely do not read the news or check stuff before going to sleep,” she added.

Take advantage of telehealth services

The federal government has expanded access to telemedicine in response to COVID-19, as have some states. “If you are in therapy or mental-health treatment, make sure that you continue it and ask your provider specifically if they’re providing video chat or telehealth,” Moutier said.

If you believe your mental health is deteriorating, seek help. “There’s evidence that shows that telehealth can be as effective as in-person treatment in many instances,” she said. The present situation “could be a tipping point for not just acceptance for telehealth, but also removing the barriers to it around reimbursement and access,” Wright said.

Try a mental-health app

Look for an app that has scientific backing, as well as mental or behavioral-health experts who served as subject-matter experts, Wright said. Understand the app’s privacy policy and where your data might go, and look through the reviews. Experts praise the Department of Veteran Affairs’ line of health apps, which includes apps for PTSD coping and mood boosting.

Ground yourself

Is your anxious mind racing at 100 miles per hour? Theresa Nguyen, the chief program officer for the nonprofit Mental Health America, suggested the mental-heath technique of grounding. “Grounding is a technique to use your five senses and just bring your attention to the present moment,” she said. “It’s very effective, because your mind can only think about one thing at a time.”

If you’re gardening, for example, put your hand in the soil and just focus on that. Touch whatever is around you or try reciting a mantra to yourself, and remember to breathe deeply. We sometimes hold our breath when we are anxious or working hard, which can also exacerbate our anxiety, mental-health professionals say.

Engage in activities you know will help you feel healthy and centered, Moutier said, whether it’s exercise like yoga, walking or running, or hobbies like reading, crafting or music. Relax yourself with deep breathing exercises. “Not everyone is a nature person, but there is a fairly common experience that being in nature is grounding in and of itself,” she added.

To reduce that feeling of existential dread…

Take each day as it comes. Much about the future of the pandemic remains unknown, and it’s easy to feel a sense of impending doom. Try to shorten the time frame of your perspective, Nguyen said: “If you find yourself going to, ‘What if the world is going to end?’ you want to bring it back a little closer to, ‘What am I going to do in two days, what am I going to do today, what does it look like right now?’”

This article was originally published March 30, 2020, and has been updated.

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