Job searches for remote working surge over 261 pc since Feb: Report

The overall job searches have increased by 278 per cent on Indeed India since September 2019.

Job searches related to remote working have witnessed a jump of over 261 per cent amid the coronavirus lockdown, a report said. Job seekers are increasingly searching for terms like ‘remote’, ‘work from home’ and related phrases, with searches for remote work witnessing an increase of over 261 per cent since February, according to data from job site Indeed.

The overall job searches have increased by 278 per cent on Indeed India since September 2019, it added. “Flexibility has always been a vital aspect of job opportunities to job seekers, especially millennial, who today make up over half of India’s working population.

“In challenging times like these, being able to continue working remotely serves as an asset, not only to the job seeker’s skill set but also in helping the organization maintain business,” Pawel Adrjan, Economist at Indeed said. A previous study by Indeed India showed that 83 per cent of job seekers consider remote work policy an important factor when searching for a job, so much so that 53 per cent of employees would consider taking a pay cut in order to have access to remote working options.

About 56 per cent of employees and 83 per cent of employers concur that offering flexibility in working can help boost productivity, it added.

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